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Living Water

Jesus answered, Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst.  Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life. John 4:13

Your body uses water in all its cells, organs, and tissues to help regulate its temperature and maintain other bodily functions. Because your body loses water through breathing, sweating, and digestion, it’s important to rehydrate by drinking fluids and eating foods that contain water. Just like our bodies need water and need constant rehydration, our souls need Jesus and need to constantly be rehydrated by spending time in The word and in the presences of the Lord.

The woman at the well was there to get water.  She had no idea that she was going to receive something so much greater.  Her life was difficult, she had made poor choices, she made a habit of looking to others to meet her physical and emotional needs.  She had a thirst that she couldn’t seem to quench.  She had no idea she would encounter Jesus that day or that this encounter would change her life forever.

Have you ever been out all day running errands, been on a hike or on a long adventure where you did not bring enough water?  Have you ever been so thirsty your tongue felt like sand paper?  Can you remember a time you were so thirsty you would have done anything you could just to get a drink of water?

I have a question for you, What are you thirsting for today?

More recognition from others, more love from your family, more possessions, more money in your bank account, more followers, more likes…

We often times put our hope in things or people expecting them to quench our deepest desires.  But the water this world has to offer with its quick fixes and short lived fortunes is shallow and only brings momentary satisfaction.  We will eventually thirst for more. But Jesus is the living water that gives us eternal refreshment and strength for our souls.  Only Jesus can fully quench our deepest desires and fill us with his overflowing love.

We were created with an unquenchable thirst for relationship with God.  Only one place and one relationship can give us true rest and satisfaction; it is an intimate personal relationship with the Father.  In Jesus we find what our hearts have been looking for. Jesus is our only way to the Father! Jesus offers you and I the life giving water that satisfies all our desires.  He offers us a “spring of water welling up to eternal life”.  Jesus gives us unlimited access to intimacy with God. His love is a free gift, we don’t need to strive or work for it, we simply just have to open our hearts to receive it.

Take time today to receive what God so freely gives. Find rest and purpose in intimacy with your Creator. No more striving, all you have to do is open your heart to the God who’s loved you from the beginning. And drink deeply of the endless well of God’s steadfast love.

What are you thirsting for today?  Lets be like the woman at the well and open our hearts to receive all that Jesus wants to give us.
